Additional Fees
​These fees are added due to additional technique/skills required to provide the best results for your pet. Depending on temperament, behavior, coat type, styles, or age, these fees may be applied.
Extra Brushing Fee
For Non-Matted Dogs
If brushing exceed 15 minutes, an additional charge of $1 per minute will be added.
Every appointment is allotted 15 minutes of brushing.
Demat Fee
For severely matted coats.
Severely matted coats requiring a #7 blade or shorter to remove will result in a charge of $1 per minute. This includes the brushing out process to brush out the matting or having to fully pre-shave the dog before they may be bathed.
In order to put the dog's safety first, de-matting takes caution and time.
Hand Scissoring Fee
For dog's who do not tolerate or require electronic clippers
If trimming exceeds 15 minutes, a charge of $1 per minute will be applied.
Removing Outer Coat
Depending on the size of your dog, the Carding fee starts at $20 and may increase with size.
Removal of outer coat using carding techniques
Special Handling Fee
For temperamental and special need canines
Special Handling starts at $10 and will increase depending on the temperament of your dog.
This fee is mainly applied to dogs that require two people for the majority of the grooming procedure.
Senior Pet Fee
Dog's over the age of 10
Dog's over the age of 10 may be charged due to the health complications and/or special handling due to their age.
This is similar to the Special Handling fee with specification leading to age rather than temperament.
Cancellation or No Show Fee
Cancellations without at least 24 hour notice and failing to show up to your appointment, a "No Show," will be charged 50% of the base price of your appointment on top of the next appointment's bill. This does not apply towards poor weather conditions.
We charge 50% of the service because our groomer's are on commission. By failing to show up to your scheduled appointment without notice, the groomer's do not have time to fill your empty slot, thus losing the opportunity for income.
Late Fee
Arriving 30+ minutes late to your appointment will result in a $30 late fee.